UASB or EGSB Reactors use gas/liquid/solids (GLS) separators and overflow weirs in the reactor top section to (a) separate biogas and biomass and (b) settle and return biomass to the reactor sludge bed. Longterm operational experience has shown the following deficiencies:
- Clogging of gas hoods with fat/oil/grease
- Clogging of weir notches
- Poor leveling of overflow weirs and consequently uneven flow distribution
- Corrosion near the air/liquid interface
- Odour generation beneath the digester covers
To avoid these problems IB-MR developed a novel type of GLS separator with special emphasis on simple design with good hydraulic characteristics in order to achieve optimal retention of granular and floccullant sludge particles.
The GLS separators are manufactured in a workshop as modular units - Figure 1 shows a module during the manufacturing process.
Fig 1: Manufacturing of GLS separator module in the work shop
Inside the UASB-Reactor the modules are placed on a support structure which has no contact with the tank walls (see Figure 2). This allows for greater flexibility regarding the choice of tank construction. On site the modules are liftet into the UASB-Tank by a mobile crane. Special emphasis is given to the choice of materials for manufacturing of the GLS separator module to minimize maintenance problems and to ensure stable longterm operation. IB-MR GLS separtors can be used in round aswell as rectangular tanks. They are suitable for new UASB plants and tanks adapted for use as UASB Reactors.
IB-MR offers concept design, project management and plant commissioning for UASB plants. Equipment delivery is directly from supplier to client.
As a result of longterm experience with UASB- and EGSB-Reactors IB-MR prefers design and implementation of UASB plants mainly because of their superior operational stability.
- Nutritec Hochdorf, Schweiz – dairy processing, 2012
- TASA, Peru – Omega-3-fatty acids production, 2015
- Van Pur, Poland – Brewery, 2016
- Skolwin, Poland – Cardboard, 2019
- Döhler, Ucraine – Fruit juice, 2020
- Pepsico, Nikolayev, Ucraine, - Softdrink 2020
- ABInBev, Mozambique – Brewery, 2020
- Döhler, Poland, Fruit juice, 2021
- Vertograd, Poland – Fruit juice, 2021
Fig 2: GLS separator module inside UASB Tank – no connection with tank wall.